Hygienic Floveyors – Aero-Mechanical Conveying Solutions
At LGPM, we offer Hygienic Floveyors. The Aero-Mechanical Hygienic Conveyor (AMC) is a fully enclosed conveyor, inherently suited to hygienic applications.
Our Benefits for your Application
Moves fragile products with little or no attrition.
One of the planet’s most energy efficient conveying systems.
Elevates up to 500kg per minute, at any angle.
Effortless conveyance without environmental pollution of dusty powdered goods such as flour or milk powder.
In addition, without any changes or problems, the Hygienic AMC conveys goods from the finest powders to large granules. In accordance with the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), GMP, AMI and 3-A, Floveyor’s Hygienic AMC is developed, built and manufactured in accordance with guidelines, recommendations and standards.
Within a fraction of the time, you will spend on an alternate device; you can clean, validate and maintain your Floveyor Hygienic AMC. Floveyor provides you with the confidence that you have minimised the threats of microorganisms, allergens, and foreign material contamination.